Manuscript submitted November 1, 2024; revised November 30, 2024, accepted December 9, 2024; published February 18, 2025
Abstract—Businesses have been applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools along with other forms AI in the last decade. While AI offer immense potential to solve issues, they remain a challenge in terms of practical execution and capability and understanding the AI enablers for value creation in business. The purpose of our study is to determine the AI enablers for value creation in business. From the literature review and gaps, we derived four predictor variables Artificial Intelligence (AI) Capability, Organization Culture, Business Integration and Ethics and Governance impacted the outcome variable value creation. An empirical study was conducted using statistical tools, a quantitative type of research was conducted. We collected primary data though the questionnaire tool using a Likert five-item scale and we followed simple random sampling Data from 52 respondents was collected and was statistically analyzed through ADANCO 2.4 software using Structural Equation Model (SEM). The relationships between the predictor variables and outcome variable were found significant and therefore all hypothesis were accepted. Organization culture was the most impactful predictor variable on the outcome variable value creation in the business. The framework will help provide more research publications explore various elements of AI enablers on value creation in business. The paper has contributed in creating new insights and learnings on areas like AI capability , AI ethics and governance and its relationship with value creation in business, that will help policy makers in the ecosystem build awareness and get more insights on skill development, creating AI ethics and governance policy. The findings will provide business leaders with a framework for value creation enabled by AI and focus on getting maximum benefit in the business and achieve value creation. Practitioners will get insight to build strong organization culture that will go a long way in AI implementation, increase productivity and create a competitive advantage in business. While we have collected data across many countries globally, a focused country approach could provide a more detailed view of what is required by a country to deliver value creation from AI interventions.
keywords—Artificial intelligence, value creation, business strategy, business value, digital transformation
Cite: Arijit Mitra*, A. Seetharaman, K. Maddulety"A Study to Determine Artificial Intelligence Enablers for Value Creation in Business," Journal of Advances in Artificial Intelligence vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 40-56, 2025. doi: 10.18178/JAAI.2025.3.1.40-56
Copyright © 2025 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).
Copyright © 2023-2025. Journal of Advances in Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved.