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General Information
    • Abbreviated Title: J. Adv. Artif. Intell.
    • E-ISSN: 2972-4503
    • Frequency: Quarterly
    • DOI: 10.18178/JAAI
    • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hao Luo
    • Managing Editor: Ms. Jennifer X. Zeng
    • E-mail: editor@jaai.net

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hao Luo
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
It is my honor to be the editor-in-chief of JAAI. The journal publishes good papers in the field of artificial intelligence. Hopefully, JAAI will become a recognized journal among the readers in the filed of artificial intelligence.


Editorial Board


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hao Luo 
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
Interest: Multi-sensory data analysis and feature extraction; Fault diagnosis of automation control systems; Reliable distributed optimal control; Disease analysis and assistant diagnosis based on medical data

Associate Editor-in-Chief

Prof. YOU Jia Jane
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Interest: Image processing; Medical imaging; Computer-aided detection/diagnosis; Pattern recognition

Editorial Board Members

Prof. Mihail Popescu
University of Missouri School of Medicine, USA
Interests: Pattern recognition; Image processing; Computational intelligence; Agent based modeling; Eldercare technologies; Sensoromics; Mass behavior modeling; Landmine detection

Prof. Karla Tereza Figueiredo Leite
University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Interests: Artificial intelligence; Data science; Data mining; Deep learning; Natural language processing; Machine learning (neural networks, reinforcement learning; Fuzzy logic; Evolutionary algorithms); Robotics

Assoc. Prof. Zhiwen Chen
Central South University, China
Interests: Fault diagnosis and Process monitoring; System identification; Machine learning and data mining with industrial applications

Prof. Abdul Qayyum Khan
Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Pakistan
Interests: Fault diagnosis and process monitoring; Linear/Nonlinear observer design; Robust and optimal control design; Sampled data control and discrete-time systems; Nonlinear systems, time-delay systems, hybrid systems, power systems, and industrial plants

Prof. Hongtian Chen
University of Alberta, Canada
Interests: Fault diagnosis, Learning (artificial intelligence), traction, railway engineering; Data analysis; Mechanical engineering computing; Neural nets; Data mining; Deep learning (artificial intelligence); Distributed processing

Prof. Grigorios N. Beligiannis
University of Patras – Agrinio Campus, Greece
Interests: Artificial Intelligence; Computational Intelligence; Intelligent Information Systems

Prof. Dr. John Atkinson
Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Peñalolén, Santiago, Chile
Interests: Artificial Intelligence; Natural Language Processing; Text Mining and Knowledge Discovery; Machine Learning

Prof. Dr. Gia Sirbiladze
Department of Computer Sciences, Faculty of Exact &Natural Sciences, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia
Interests: Systems science and engineering; Computational intelligence;  Evolutionary programming (genetic algorithms, estimation of distribution algorithms, hybrid algorithms in the modeling of complex systems; Extreme fuzzy dynamic systems - control, filtration, identification and prediction; Multi –person, multi-criteria (multi-attribute) fuzzy decision making technologies; Fuzzy vehicle routing problems for extreme environment –intelligent support systems

Prof. Dr. Hao Ying, Ph.D., IEEE Fellow
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 48202, USA
Interests: Machine learning; multi-agent systems; expert systems; system modelling and control; signal/image processing; fuzzy control; fuzzy systems; fuzzy discrete event systems

Dr. Chang-Hui Hu
College of Automation and College of Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China
Interests: Image processing and pattern recognition

Prof. Dr. Pingyi Fan
Senior member of IEEE and an oversea member of IEICE
Dept. Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Interests: Intelligent network; 6G wireless communication network and machine learning; semantic information theory and generalized information theory; big data processing theory,  and system detection, etc.

Prof. Dr. Nebojša Bačanin-Džakula
Singidunum University, 11010 Belgrade, Serbia
Interests: Artificial Intelligence; Swarm Intelligence; Digital Image Processing; Optimization Metaheuristics; Deep Learning

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ÇAKIR
Department of Computer Education Instructional Technology, Faculty of Gazi Education, Gazi University, Beşevler, Ankara Turkey
Interests: Artificial Intelligence; Computer Learning and Pattern Recognition; Programming Languages; Information Security and Reliability; Cryptography; Augmented Reality; Computer Graphics; Virtual Reality

Dr. Ramin Safa
Department of Computer Engineering, Ayandegan Institute of Higher Education (AIHE), Tonekabon, Iran
Interests: Text Mining and machine learning applications; Recommender Systems;Personalization

Dr. Nasimuddin
Senior Member of the IEEE
Institute for Infocomm Research Singapore, Agency for Science Technology, and Research, Singapore
Interests: multilayered microstrip-based structures; millimeter waves; radio-frequency (RF) identification readers; GPS/Global Navigation Satellite System satellites; ultrawideband, beam-scanning/beamforming, metamaterial

Dr. Christos P. Beretas
1. Cyber Security Professor at Innovative Knowledge Institute, Paris, France
2. Researcher at Global Foundation for Cyber Studies and Research in Washington, D.C. USA
Interests: Cyber Security; Networks; Privacy; IoT; Software Development;  Social Media

Prof. Dr. Asadullah Shaikh
College of Computer Science, Najran University, Saudi Arabia
Interests: Software Engineering; Health Informatics; Artificial Intelligence using Machine Learning; Cloud Computing; E-Learning, and Mobile Technologies

Dr. Abdul Hannan Abdul Mannan Shaikh
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, AlBaha University, AlBaha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Interests: Information Security and Privacy; Object Oriented Programming; Intelligent System; Data Structure and Algorithm; Human Computer Interaction

Copyright © 2023-2025. Journal of Advances in Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved.

E-mail: editor@jaai.net